A recent comment on Instagram rekindled my love and yearning for some Rescue Beauty Lounge so I dug through my stash for my precious RBL pretties:
To many, RBL is a high-end luxury brand that is known for their line of understated chic and elegance, most notably, their trademark subtle shimmer in many of their polishes. Much as I indulge in sparkly glitters, I still have a soft spot for delicate shimmers and almost inadvertently sport them on my tips on weekdays. Naturally, I could not keep my eyes, and hands, off RBL. I swear I tried my best to be good but I caved in twice to get these beauties - and never regretted my choice.
I was in the mood for some strong dark colours today so I decided to wear Più Mosso this week. Out of curiosity, I took my new camera for a spin and my eyes nearly popped out when I saw the swatch pictures. There was no way I could not blog about it. Take a look:
Più Mosso. 2 thin coats.
A dusty inky blue that flashes a gorgeous copper when the shimmers catch the light. Più Mosso was inspired by the dark clouds that overtook the sky covering the last ray of sunlight before the storm. Romantic inspiration aside, this literally took my breath away when I stumbled upon swatches of it online. Dusty? Dark? Shimmery? I simply had to have it - it is exactly my cup of tea!
I've worn this a couple of times before this but nothing quite prepared me for what my macro lens captured:
I died - a hundred times over - when I saw the picture on my screen. Isn't it magical!?!
I am very thankful that Ji brought this shade back so I had a chance to get it after missing the first release. At US$20 per bottle (excluding international shipping), this was by no means an ordinary purchase. But it certainly did not disappoint. Not only is the colour wickedly stunning, application was wonderful as well. The formula was smooth and the brush was thin but fans out nicely for easy application.
If there is one RBL you have to get, I would definitely recommend this.
What do you think of Più Mosso? Have you tried any other RBLs?